A teenager turns her babysitting service into a call-girl service for married guys after fooling around with one of her customers.
At 17, high-school junior Shirley Lyner is thinking about college and running a babysitting service that provides teen call girls to the dads of young children. In a long flashback, we see what brought her from being a babysitter to organizing and running the service. It starts with Michael, the father of children she baby-sits. A cup of coffee on the way home from his house, a night visit to a train yard, and one thing leads to another. Shirley can be ruthless, and tension builds when some of the clients take the girls to a mountain cabin and bring drugs. Then, one of the girls tries to freelance. Can this end well: is it a tragedy in the making? Do we all have secrets?
David Ross.Writer:
David RossStars:
Lauren Birkell, Paul Borghese and Chira Cassel.Release Date: 01 , January 2007.
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Part: 8
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