In Tokyo, a young woman is exposed to the same mysterious curse that afflicted her sister. The supernatural force, which fills a person with rage before spreading to its next victim, brings together a group of previously unrelated people who attempt to unlock its secret to save their lives.
Set within two years after the first film and between two countries. Karen's sister, Audrey, been affected by the supernatural curse, and trying to find the origin of it in order to find a way to free herself. But what has this quest got to do with the families who are living in Chicago, a photojournalist from Hong Kong,and the three schoolgirls from Tokyo's International High School?
Takashi ShimizuWriters:
Stephen Susco, Takashi Shimizu (film "Ju-On: The Grudge")Release Date:
20 July 2007 (India).Password for encrypted file : Lucky
Part: 2
Part: 3
Part: 4
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