Back when the Earth was being overrun by glaciers, and animals were scurrying to save themselves from the upcoming Ice Age, a stupid sloth named Sid, a woolly mammoth named Manny, a saber-toothed tiger named Diego, and an acorn-loving saber-toothed squirrel named Scrat are forced to become unlikely heroes. The four reluctantly come together when they have to return a human child to its father while braving the deadly elements of the impending Ice Age.
Set during the Ice Age, a sabertooth tiger, a sloth, and a wooly mammoth find a lost human infant, and they try to return him to his tribe.
Chris Wedge, Carlos SaldanhaWriters:
Michael J. Wilson (story), Michael Berg(screenplay).Release Date:
3 May 2002 (India).Password for encrypted file : Lucky
Part: 1
Part: 2
Part: 3
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